Happy Leap Year! A few fun facts
It’s a well known fact that a Leap Year only comes around once every four years, but here are a few things you may not

Asparagus, prosciutto & Parmesan pasta
This elegant spaghetti dish is super-easy – and ready in just 20 minutes Ingredients Method Each serving contains % of adult’s reference intake | Carbohydrates

A flipping brilliant time!
Last week saw the highly anticipated annual pancake race in Brockenhurst – and we couldn’t wait to put our competitive pancake-flipping skills to the test!

Challenges, chilly weather and… chinchilla food – a glimpse into the Eastleigh Basics Bank
Welcome stores position themselves at the heart of the community – and we understand the part we have to play in giving back to those

Lentil & vegetable soup with crispy carrot topper
With a hint of curry, this tasty soup is a super-quick option. Ingredients Method Each serving contains % of adult’s reference intake | Carbohydrates per

Delivering on our eco-friendly promises this Big Energy Saving Week
In an era where environmental consciousness is paramount, Welcome Stores is making good on its promise to improve sustainability across the business with a few